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Discover the new way of authentication

Forget your passwords. AAuth provides easy to use, secure and reliable authentication. And its free!

Why you don't want anything else

We all got used to authenticating with username and password, even though it is not the best solution for identifying yourself on the internet. Actually, it's not even top 3. And still its the only option provided on most websites. AAuth is going to change that. Soon. Hopefully. Here's why:


Our main goal when designing AAuth was to make the internet more secure and avoid unsafe passwords. And AAuth does exactly that.


How many tries do you need to find the right password for an account? With AAuth, login is as fast as grabbing your phone.


AAuth is for authentication. Nothing else.

Data Protection

Your data is yours. We ask for as little as possible and won't sell it to Facebook. In fact, we do not use for anything besides your authentication.

Identity Sharing

Ever shared an account with a friend? You can can do that with a single tap (well, it's actually three). But you don't need to change your password to something silly because there is none.

Multiple Accounts

Do you have multiple accounts somewhere? With AAuth, you can choose which account you want to log in with. Since you only exist once, you'll only need one AAuth-Account.

Some Details...

How does it work?

Your phone is your identity. Create an Account in the App and protect it with your fingerprint or face id

When you log in somewhere with AAuth, just scan the QR-Code with your App and that's it.

Some Services require an email address. Add mail addresses and verify them and you can use those services as well

Your phone is lost / stolen / broken? Just use the recovery code you saved earlier and all your accounts are as safe as they can be

Download the app now and use it wherever you can

And don't worry. It's really free and secure.

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